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Grace Chapel

Grace Chapel reflects the heart of God and the heart of campus—a community of faith, grace and worship.

Here we examine our lives to see how God has wired us and to discover our passions, dreams and shortcomings. We frequently have authors, musicians and leading voices for global concerns like poverty, hunger, clean water, human trafficking, pornography and modern day slavery. Chapel gatherings are planned and led by pro students and directed by the Dean of the Chapel and Community Life.

pro Chapel Live on YouTube

pro Chapel Theme Humility Reigns

pro chooses a theme each year to draw everyone on campus to the same textbook — God’s Word. “Humility Reigns,” this year’s theme, is drawn from 1 and 2 Samuel. From Hannah’s petition, to Saul’s downfall, to David’s mixed legacy of obedience and sin, every story points to the perfect picture of humility: Jesus Christ, who humbled Himself to the point of death. We follow His example today by embracing our dependence on God and eagerly serving others.

Discover pro chapels. Grace Chapel reflects the heart of God and the heart of campus—a community of faith, grace, and worship.


When and where is chapel?

Chapel services are held every Tuesday, Thursday and Friday mornings from 10:30 – 11:20 am in the Manahan Orthopedic Capital Center. There are no chapel services during the final week of each session.

Are the chapel services student-led?

Yes, the chapel services are student-led. We have a chapel committee made up of 12 to 15 students who use their gifts to serve in the areas of coordinators, media/tech, graphic design and worship leaders. The worship band is led by a student band director and is made up of pro students. The Dean of the Chapel and Community Life oversees the chapel committee.

Is chapel attendance required?

Chapel will remain an in-person experience and be a required activity for students. Our commitment to chapel as an integral part of the Grace education and experience has not changed, in fact, chapel may be more important to our community and personal well-being than ever.  However, we have changed the chapel requirement from a “absence-based” to a “presence-based” system. Instead of being given a certain number of chapel skips each session or semester, you’ll be required to attend a certain number of chapels.

Is it possible to receive exemption or partial exemption from chapel?

Waivers will be given for receiving credit for attendance remotely for those unable to attend (due to work, etc.).  More information about chapel will be distributed to students during the first week back on campus.

Check out the pro Chapel schedule, who is going to be speaking and on what day they will speaking. Worship with Us.
Brent Mencarelli speaking in chapel
MOCC building
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